Friday, December 26, 2008

Starting Christmas Season

This is the first year we started doing craft and Christmas things w/ the girls, and when I say the girls I mean Alexa, Charlie is still too young. My mom came to visit for the holidays and brought the Christmas cheer to Alexa. They did a bunch of decorating and crafts plus lots of sugar eating going on too.
I let Alexa pick out the tinsel and bulbs, so she would be excited about decorating.
Decorating the tree

Putting on her special ornament Mama got her

And Charlie taking it back off the tree

Final result

painting decorations

Sorry we still do most crafts w/ no shirt on

Of course we had to get "reindeer ears"
Charlie's smile w/ her 6 teeth

Alexa finally willing to take a picture

I don't know if it's the ages of the girls or just bad luck but taking a picture is not fun in our family right now. Alexa has been on a kick of making funny faces and Charlie acts like she doesn't know her name so we took lots of pictures for our Christmas card and these were the only descent ones.
First year of making Gingerbread house. Alexa loved the frosting and candy the most, she even tried to sneak tastes in.

We enjoyed so much more like making cheese cakes and Santa hats, but didn't catch them on camera. we also went to this thing called Bright Nights. They set up all these lights around Forest Park and you drive through looking at all the sceneries. I took video but you can hear Charlie crying in the back ground which isn't that great of a video.I guess when it's snowing outside you have to do more crafts than usual. So we've enjoyed all the time we've spent as a family and the fun crafts we did.

1 comment:

The Jacksons said...

So gald to hear that your mom came to vist. That is great! Looks like you had a lot of fun and oh yes I get the whole picture thing it SUCKS!