Monday, March 24, 2008

Cool things we've discovered

The last few days we've been trying to find fun things to do around the house. So we learned to get messy w/ out freaking out. Alexa discovered she likes to finger paint. Maybe she'll be an artist someday. When I told her it was clean up time she said, " No I'm working" boy was she working alright. By the time she was done there was paint all over her, the table and the four different colors were now one But instead of freaking out over the mess, like I usually would, I found it was more fun for both of us if we just had fun and worried about the mess later.
Second thing we've learned is fun is dress up. Alexa is completely happy if she's in any hat of Anthony's, a scarf, and her play shoes she got for Christmas. She like to walk around pretending she's going shopping. Her newest thing is that she wants a dog so she'll pretend that she's walking a dog. I wonder if it's some kind of hint.
Third thing we've discovered, during egg hunting was that nature can grow in very weird ways. There's a tree in our backyard that has grown through a fence.So there's a fence right through the middle of this tree. We thought it was pretty cool.

Easter 2008

This was probably the coldest Easter we've experienced. We did egg coloring like 5 days before Easter. Alexa was not very patient w/ waiting for the coloring to be done. But we survived. It's hard to do a egg hunt when it's 40 degrees outside. Honestly I think I got cold before Alexa or Anthony. This year we tried to explain what Easter is really about...Jesus but all she could say is " candy please" so maybe next year. We spent our Easter going to church, eating an early dinner, playing games, doing an egg hunt, and enjoying Alexa on a very extreme sugar high. Believe it or not we let her eat candy most of the day and then watched her run around like a chicken w/ its head cut off. Around 6:30pm she even started hitting herself and all we could do is laugh. Surprisingly she was good all day but then again she might have just been happy because she was getting sugar all day. I wanted to get the girls matching outfits, but Anthony wouldn't let me so the closest I got was matching colors. Over all we had a great day, most of it just trying to let Alexa run off the sugar. We even saw the bunny that lives in our backyard and Alexa and Anthony got to feed it carrots. What a cool thing to do on Easter.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Alexa's experiences

Since we've been here Alexa has experienced playing at the playground w/ snow and loosing her shoes in the snow. Along w/ playing in the snow she had to get use to wearing layers while running around. And if you know Alexa it's hard for her to keep layers on. we all seemed to be warm except our hands. In Mass. you can't wear cute gloves.

Second she learned how to make play dough. When it's cold outside you've got to find something to do. She actually didn't make a mess and when she was done we tried to color the play dough purple w/ food coloring but it came out military green. But she still plays w/ it.

Third she has experienced Dunkin Donut. Yep that's right there's only like two Starbucks in Mass. And there's Dunkin donuts like everywhere. Out here they love Dunkin Donuts like Ca. likes Starbucks. Alexa definitely loved the donuts.

Welcome to Mass.

We have arrived and are all ok. The girls and I arrived Tues. 3/4 at about 7pm. Anthony left Ca. 3/4 in the morning and got to Mass. Thurs. at 1:40am our time. Yes he only took 2 stops and got here in less than 3 days. He's crazy but at least he got here safe.

Where do I begin. Life here seems a lot different. Starting w/ the weather. We've been here 9 days and it hasn't snowed but there's still snow on the ground from a week and a half ago. Everyday looks sunny and warm but then you go outside and it's 30 degrees. Sounds weird huh? The houses here are very old, not everyone would agree w/ us but we think they're pretty. Very different than Ca. The roads have pot holes that you can't even imagine. We live in a multi-family home. Our doors are next to each other but our neighbors live above us and we live below. Our town is pretty small, yes smaller than where we are from. But it's homie. Here are pix off what's in our backyard. There aren't any fences so Alexa can run for miles.

Castle Park

The next place we went to was Castle Park in Riverside. You may be thinking like I did, " this isn't for kids", but we went and there are about 10 rides Alexa could go on plus miniature golf which wasn't fun for her all 18 holes, and arcades that she loved winning tickets to. We all had fun ( maybe not Charlie but she was good the whole day like always). And Alexa won a bunch of stuff from the arcades thanks to her dad and Uncle Calvin playing games.There are some rides that she had to ride by herself, which we thought she might be scared to do, but she actually was more excited to go w/out us:(

Last week in Ca.

For our last week in Ca. We decided to do all the Ca. things that we haven't done already. So here are our adventures. We went to the Scripps Aquarium. Which I recommend to anyone who has kids. It's just a bunch of aquariums w/ different fish.There was one fish who kept coming up to Alexa every time she would put her face on the glass. Alexa liked the shark the most. Then outside they have ponds where you can touch all the fish. Alexa loved holding the starfish. There's also ten pound lobster, which were HUGE, that you can see at 2pm when they feed them. Not only are the fish cool but there's also a beautiful view of the beach.