Monday, April 27, 2009

Women's Fellowship

For the last month I've been trying to gather women for fellowship. Simply just eat, drink, talk, and time w/ God. So I invited all the women from the churches I've been to and finally had it last night. I figure Sunday nights are usually family days and although I feel bad asking women to leave their families for a couple hours on this day, I also thought it would be the perfect day, because most likely the daddies/husbands would be home for those who have children.
Anyway We had a small turn out for our first night, but it was really nice. Since it was our first night I just really wanted to get to know the women better so we didn't really do much Bible talking but it was good to just break the ice w/ lots of laughs and stories. I enjoyed the coffee it kept me up until after I got home at 11pm. I do pray more women will join us and we will be able to join our hearts, stories and faith as a body of believing women. I will keep you updated on how things go w/ each meeting. Please pray that women will come and we will find true fellowship in Christ w/ each gathering.

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