A couple weeks ago the family and the Calisch's got together to go apple picking. It was the perfect day to go. The sun was shining and the weather was perfect. We went apple picking first at Dickinson Farm and then went to a park and had a picnic. It was really fun, lots of laughs and conversations. We did this last but it was nicer this year, the little ones (Addison and Charlie) could walk around and pick apples too this time. Plus the older ones were a little more free to play (w/ no fighting)
Charlie, Isaac, Alexa, and Addison

The best part of apple picking is that you can just pick an apple right off the tree and eat it.


I told you they were more free this yr.

Charlie got bored (I guess) w/ picking apples so she stared just pulling all the leaves off too.
Beautiful Danielle
Anthony being a bad influence and trying to scare Alexa

Side note we filled that huge bag that Anthony's holding and then split the apples but then Anthony decided to give all the apples to them as long as they make us something out of them. Sp Danielle made apple loaf which was SOOOOO stinkin good. thanks Danielle

Off to the park

Adam on this weird twirly thing that was really fun.

I love how no one is looking at me who's trying to take the pic
The girls (Alexa has been doing these weird poses lately, quite funny actually)

Best Friends (I love ya Danielle)
1 comment:
Fun times everyone looks so happy and healthy...love ya
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