Last Friday we went w/ our friends the Duff's to the Big E. For those who don't know the Big E is a big fair type of thing here. A lot like the Del Mar Fair in Ca. It's a real big deal around here and everyone seems to go. We went last yr w/ the youth group kids, but this yr. decided to go w/ our friends the Duffs (Jared, Julie, Aiden and Natalie, who's still in the womb.) We had a lot of fun. Mostly we ate a lot of fair food. Jared seemed like he mostly just wanted to walk around and eat so we let the kids eat off all the junk he bought and bought some extra stuff too. anyway. Here was our fun time at the Big E.

Anthony, Charlie and Jared looking at the weird monkeys
Charlie and Aiden enjoying the double stroller

Charlie kept asking for more cream puff, but after every bite this is the face she would make. Doesn't look very appetizing
Julie enjoying coffee
There's a lego section for the kids to play

Aiden wanted to take some legos w/ him.

Trying to run free

600 lbs butter sculpture


say, "Baaaaaa!"

Jared and Anthony being dorks.

Happy looking at the sheep

The train ride (or as Aiden would say, "choo choo ride") was the only ride Aiden wasn't scared of. So they went on it like 5 times.

Alexa so brave went on the car ride by herself. Everyone was either too big or too small (or scared) to go on it.

Watching Alexa

There's this really big slide torward the exit which is crazy fun the so the guys took the kids.
Jared and Aiden

Anthony and Alexa.
Alexa went by herself and was laying down at the end of the slide
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