So Alexa has been telling everyone for over a week now that she wants to get married. First it was to Anthony(her dad) but then I tried to explain that's not possible, but she could marry someone like her Daddy. So then she moved on to saying she wants to marry her friend Isaac. Then she said she wants 10 baby girls. She's only 4 is this normal for her to want marriage and babies already. It reminds me of me when I was small. I have always wanted to be a mom and wife, so maybe she has some of me in her.
The funny part is the other day we went to the park w/ 2 of her boy friends, Isaac and Xavier and on the way she was So excited to go play w/ them. We got there before Issac got there and when they arrived my mom said she heard Alexa introduce Isaac to Xavier like this, " Xavier this is Isaac, my lover" who uses that word "lover" I surely don't. And today she keeps asking to go play w/ them. She really needs more girl friends. Well I have to say both the boys are so cute, so at least she has good taste, but I'm scared this is just the beginning of her being boy crazy, let the journey begin.......I guess.
Here's some pics of them at the park.
Looking at a Lady bug.

Charlie w/ Oreo in her mouth.....yummy

Looking at the ducks

Xavier and Alexa (He's 1/2 Portarican. Both naturally tan w/ beautiful eyes)

The day before at a diiferent park. Alexa and Isaac running together, holding hands

Isaac and Alexa (again beautiful eyes and hopes for a blue eyed grand baby)

All the kids: Alexa, Xavier, Isaac, Addison, and Charlie

Another fun day in the sun.
1 comment:
Uh Oh! Well maybe she will get all the boy craziness over with by the time she is 5!
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