This past Sunday we went to the Calisch's for game night. It's always fun getting together for game night w/ them, Danielle's brother, and friend. The kids were hard to maintain some of the time but overall it was a good time. They ordered these huge pizza that were really greasy and to me that equal yummy. We played a couple games and I got to see wii for the first time. I had my camera this time so I thought I'd share our fun.
Charlie was trying to catch the fish in the tank.

Neal are you scared? It's only a game

Anthony finally writing an answer

Cute little Addi's face

The only way we could come to game night is if someone cleaned up....j/k
Charlie way past her bedtime trying to find a comfortable lap to sleep in.

I think it was past Danielle's bedtime too, she even put on her pj's.

Adam playing bowling on the wii.

you failed to mention you were up puking all night lol
for whoever reads this. Danielle poisoned my side of the pizza. so i was up puking. there's no other explanation. thanks.....and beware anyone who eats over there....j/k
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