So as most know and many make of me for I LoVe to take pictures. So my loving, wonderful husband bought me a new camera. I guess I borrowed Danielle's camera so many times that he thought it would be a good investment. So for all the people I know who think I took a lot of pictures before, beware. He bought me a 2008 canon EOS Rebel Sxi if you know what camera that is. It came w/ a 18-55mm zoom lens, an additional 70-300mm macro zoom lens, a telephoto lens, 2 4GB cards (whatever that means), and 2 batteries. I know he got a bargain otherwise he probably wouldn't have got it, but I do know we LoVe ebay. So I've already taken SOOOOO many pictures just trying to see what all it does. I spent an hour the first night looking over the manual, and another hour the next day writing down notes to learn what lighting, zoom, etc goes best w/ what scene and scenario. If you know me at all I don't like reading and if someone told me they spent the same amount of time I have reading a manual on something I would think they were crazy and boring. But I think I've officially found my true passion beyond my family and Jesus. So yeah I am a VeRy happy girl. I even have learned more about my other camera from reading what the different zones do. Anyway I took pics w/ my other camera of it to share w/ you. The pictures don't really look that great but I can't take a picture w/ my new camera of my new camera.

The tripod, telephoto lens, and the 70-300mm lens

If anyone knows a website or something where I could learn more I'd appreciate it being passed this way. I'm already wanting a new bag to carry everything safely in and add on lenses that do different focuses and lighting.
I haven't gone outside w/ it yet but I do love my girls and here are some pics I did of them.
Portrait scene


zoom w/ the 55mm

zoom w/ the 100mm and telephoto lens to focus on the pony's hair and sparkles

Beware many pointless pictures to come.
Thanks babe for the camera I love it and I love you.
your so cute! i love the camera and am happy that you found something you like and enjoy.
Yeah.....look out the only kids I se more than mine are yours so the might be seeing squares and circles for awhile....j/k
Congratulations! Todd just bought that camera for me as well for my birthday. I LOVE it. I also have the 18mm - 200mm lens I never have to switch it out you should look into that one. Also Todd bought me a book for the Rebel XSI at Barnes and Noble I am sure you can find it online.
That is so exciting! I love getting a new camera. You are going to have so much fun taking pictures of the girls.
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