Ezekiel (Zeke) Anthony Wirth
8lbs 20 inches
Born 5/10/11 @ 5:57am
Our baby boy is a week old today. I know I lagged on doing a blog for him, but parenting 3 children is something I really could have had anxiety about. Thankfully it's not as hard as I thought, so far. I really didn't know how the girls were going to react to a new baby either. They said they wanted to be big helpers, before the baby arrived, but wasn't sure if they would stick w/ that once he was here. So I've really just wanted them to get use to him, & focusing on them understanding why mommy is destracted more now, w/ out them feeling like I was wanting to spend less time w/ them. They actually have done really well. They want to hold & touch him all day everyday. It's really cute but overwhelming. It's hard telling them no some times definitely when it's the end of the day & they look @ you so cute & say, "I haven't held him all day" :( but we have (kinda) made a rule that they can hold him when he's awake (only) if he's not cranky. I know you're thinking 'he's newborn all they do is sleep' & he does sleep A LOT, but he had short moments of being awake. And the last 2 days he's seems to be awake for longer periods of time. So they each get a turn to love on their lil' bro.
I must say he is a sweet lil' boy. He cries during diaper change & when he's really hungry. Other than that he just whimpers in his sleep or when he 1st wakes up (& looking for food). He already sleeps good chunks of times, & I'm praying that never changes :)
I will say labor seemed more painful this time than w/ the girls but thankfully I was only in active labor for 3 or so hrs & only pushed for 7 min. I did have to get induced w/ potocin, even though my water broke. But definitely liked the style of a midwife better than my obgyns in the past. No legs hiked up & being told to push, just a mellow "do whatever your body is telling you to do"by the midwife, and my sweet hubby saying, "breathe" anyway w/ all that here's our sweet boy. Some say he looks like Charlie & some say 1/2 Charlie 1/2 Alexa. I say the things that look like Charlie & the things that look like Alexa are the features they get from their Daddy, which makes me think he looks just like Daddy. What's your thoughts.

He is seriously such a beautiful baby!!! So happy for you guys!! Wish we lived closer so I could hold him! :)
Crazy! You will have to let me know over time how 3 goes! Especially since you already have the two girls like me :) And I think he looks just like both the girls, but I think your kids are a good mix of both you and Anthony!
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