Monday, September 6, 2010

The Soles of Springfield

The City of springfield did an art show. People came in a painted giant shoes that were later displayed around downtown Springfield. Wanna know more here

The shoes are all really cool and everytime we drive by them the girls start screaming @ each other "Look, Look there's one" So I thought it would be fun the other day to go for a walk & get the girls out of the house. Since we only live a few minute, walking , from downtown I thought it would be cool to go check out some of the shoes. Usually when we go for walk the girls complain after awhile saying they're tired, so I thought this might entertain them on our walk. It was a success. They had a lot of fun posing next to all of them, until the last couple, I think they actually were getting tired.

I took this pic & when we got home I realized there was
not so nice writing on the wall.

Charlie watching her shadow

Shoe #1 water on a spiderweb


the girls named most of the shoes.
The sunflower shoe

once again looking @ her shadow (reflection)

The house shoe

knock knock

anyone home?

The garden shoe

The animal/zoo shoe

If you notice the swan on the toes of the shoe is broken & so were the animals on the other side of the shoe, which the girls were really sad about.

The dancing shoe

The girls doing their dance poses

Alexa closing her eyes cause it was too bright

the girls waiting for the walk sign & talking

The PeterPan shoe

Alexa naming all the characters

up up & away

The building shoe
(it was all the learning buidings in Springfield, library, museums, etc)

Make a wish, ready 1-2-3, throw

Charlie's penny didn't make it in the pond.
Alexa- UH OH!

Basketball shoe. Charlie was scared of the teeth on the sole of the shoe.


the picture shoe

The girls getting tired, but still posing.

The other basketball shoe

So that was our walk. I should have tooken a picture of the hill we had to walk back up to get home. But we survived & was fun.

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