Easter is around the corner. I wanted to color eggs on Anthony's day off so we did it on Monday, even though Anthony said the eggs probably won't last til Sunday but oh well. This was Charlie's first yr to color eggs. If you remember last yr. Alexa got to color eggs and she was stripped down to her diaper. Well this yr. I did the same, I stripped them both down to bare minimum. Alexa is really into helping also and impatient, so as I was filling up each cup w/ dye she wanted to stir it and put it on the table. Setting up all the stuff wasn't very fun w/ her saying every 10 sec. "Are we ready?" Charlie was just excited to get to use markers. Alexa wanted to dye, color, paint, and sticker all her eggs. So it took some
explaining that she can't do all of it to each egg, but she still had fun. Anthony even got way into it. He pulled out
rubber bands to make lines, which I had never heard of.

Charlie showing me that she got marker mostly on her fingers.

I even put a little bit of paint on a sponge for Charlie and as soon as I let go and picked up my camera she put put the sponge in her mouth. So that's why she has a blue lip. Note to self: Charlie's not old enough for paint.

Waiting patiently for the pink to
dissolve (which was the last to
dissolve and the one she wanted to use the most.)

Your girls are so cute!! I love reading about your family outings! You guys do fun stuff!
We are doing eggs today and I can't wait! I love Anthony's egg! It does get messy though.
aww sweet looks like everyone had a great time coloring eggs! and poor anthony's eye. looks like that hurt! love ya
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