Wednesday, February 25, 2009

My Newest Joy

So as most know and many make of me for I LoVe to take pictures. So my loving, wonderful husband bought me a new camera. I guess I borrowed Danielle's camera so many times that he thought it would be a good investment. So for all the people I know who think I took a lot of pictures before, beware. He bought me a 2008 canon EOS Rebel Sxi if you know what camera that is. It came w/ a 18-55mm zoom lens, an additional 70-300mm macro zoom lens, a telephoto lens, 2 4GB cards (whatever that means), and 2 batteries. I know he got a bargain otherwise he probably wouldn't have got it, but I do know we LoVe ebay. So I've already taken SOOOOO many pictures just trying to see what all it does. I spent an hour the first night looking over the manual, and another hour the next day writing down notes to learn what lighting, zoom, etc goes best w/ what scene and scenario. If you know me at all I don't like reading and if someone told me they spent the same amount of time I have reading a manual on something I would think they were crazy and boring. But I think I've officially found my true passion beyond my family and Jesus. So yeah I am a VeRy happy girl. I even have learned more about my other camera from reading what the different zones do. Anyway I took pics w/ my other camera of it to share w/ you. The pictures don't really look that great but I can't take a picture w/ my new camera of my new camera.

The tripod, telephoto lens, and the 70-300mm lens

If anyone knows a website or something where I could learn more I'd appreciate it being passed this way. I'm already wanting a new bag to carry everything safely in and add on lenses that do different focuses and lighting.
I haven't gone outside w/ it yet but I do love my girls and here are some pics I did of them.

Portrait scene


zoom w/ the 55mm

zoom w/ the 100mm and telephoto lens to focus on the pony's hair and sparkles

Beware many pointless pictures to come.
Thanks babe for the camera I love it and I love you.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Valentine's Day w/ the kids

On Saturday I took the girls to the mall to meet up w/ Danielle and her little ones. She told me that there was going to be a big sandbox in the middle of the mall for kids. I thought it sounded fun. My girls haven't seen sand since we went to Ca. in July. The hard part was dressing them. How do you dress a kid for sand when it's 30 degrees outside. So I dressed them as light as I could. Either way they didn't seem bothered. Alexa didn't even want to take her shoes and socks off. Charlie looked confused at first but slowly sat down and never wanted to be bothered or taken out. Meanwhile the best part of the day, Danielle's son Issac decided to strip down to his T-shirt and underwear. I guess he thought we were going swimming too. But it was the funniest thing. So we just rolled up the kids pants and let them go. It was hard getting Alexa and Issac not to throw sand but they did good majority of the time. Charlie and Addison just sat in the corner playing together majority of the time then ventured away from eachother. Charlie was content playing even by herself. She looks so lonely playing by herself, but she wasn't complaining. She didn't cry until I took her out of the sandbox. Alexa ventured from kid to kid playing w/ whoever was close by. They kept watering the sand w/ this tiny hose thing for some reason. That's where Issac was most of the time, filling up his bucket and making "mud"....his words. Since they kept watering the sand the babies were all wet when we picked them up and the sand seemed to sick just as much as at the beach. Overall the kids had fun, and that's what's important.

When we were done I was going to get Charlie's ears pierced. She has a crazy mullet going on, and the day before I put her hair in pigtails, so Anthony suggested that I finally get her ears pierced to look complete as a girl. So I told Danielle and she decided to get Addison's ears pierced too. Charlie went first and was good until they pierced her first ear then she got wiggly and a little whinny. As soon as I picked her up when they were done she was totally fine. Addison cried once they started marking her ears but stopped as soon as Danielle picked her up. So for Valentine's Day our girls got their first set of jewely. Great memories and lots of fun. Sorry no pictures of the ear piercing is was a sweaty enough situation w/ out including trying to take pictures.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Road Trip: Family, Church and Driving

Where do I begin. This will probably be a long blog just because I have stories to share. Our family come to Springfield, Ma. to start a church. We have hit some bumps in the road but are still determined. Anthony has a heart for evangelizing and we both have a heart for the lost (the unsaved). As you can tell from previous blogs we are really liking it here. This city is beautiful in pictures and to look at but in reality it is one of the top 10 dying cities in America. There are so many churches here that don't want to reach out. And when we tell people where we moved we have recently been getting "Why New England?" as a response and definitely more comments about Springfield. But we have to follow our hearts and the man up stairs (God) is in charge. And if we are not serving and following Him the way we feel we are suppose to, then what are we doing here, and how can we expect our girls to.
So to the point. Anthony has been listening to Mark Driscoll's podcast for a couple yrs. now. If you don't know he has a huge church in Seattle, WA. and has helped our marriage, and views on a lot of things relating to the bible. His church has a program, if you can call it that, called Acts 29. That helps church planters and plants churches. They do A LOT of research on the people applying and ask you to go to different things to make sure you are called to church plant and to be able to see if they feel they can help you. We felt we needed their help and believe in them and all that they stand for. So that was the main reason to take this road trip. We decided after filling out all the papers and question that were needed, that we had to go to a conference and assessment. The hard thing was what are we going to do w/ our kids. Luckily there was one in Raleigh, Nc. which happens to be (what we thought) 6hrs away from Anthony's brother in Tenn. So we asked them if they would watch the girls and of course they said yes. So then we decided to make a full vacation out of it and visit their family also.
We left Saturday after Anthony got off work around 7pm. we drove through the night and got to Hartsville, Tn around 9:30am. Anthony drove most of the way, thank the Lord he can drive for a long time. We also had another great surprise when we got there, Anthony and Gabe's really good friend Donnie decided to come down the day before we did and left on Tues. afternoon. It was really nice to see him and the boys enjoyed talking Bible talk like they always do. So we pretty much just hung out and let the kids reunite and Charlie and Averi got to meet for the first time. It's really cool they have a 7yr. old, Kiera that Alexa attached to as soon as she met her. A boy 6wks younger than Alexa, Jaydon and a little girl Averi that's 2 mo. younger than Charlie. So they all had fun together, of course there was the occasional fight but they got along for the most part. It felt like we had 2 sets of twins in the house. That was the first time I got to see Averi since she was born so I ate her up as much as I could. On Mon we drove to Nashville to this huge mall and the kids ran around and then we ate dinner there. Tues. after Donnie left we had to get on the road to Raleigh. I didn't really wanna leave my babies so we left around 5pm or so, thinking we would get to Raleigh around midnight. To our surprise we got caught in traffic for like 3 hrs. we thought there was a car accident but come to find out people just stopped as soon as they saw it was starting to snow. It honestly was barely snowing but to people in NC. I guess that was a storm or something. So we sat there forever and ended up at our hotel at 6:30am. w/ only enough time for Anthony to take a quick nap and me to get ready. Oh yeah! We discovered that I'm not really a good navigator and mapquest stinks sometimes. Once we finally got to Raleigh we got lost for another hr. trying to find our hotel.
We had a great time during the conferences and met a lot of people doing what we are trying to do (pant a church) or have already done it. Anyway. We even got to go out to dinner on Thurs. night w/ a gift card that we got for Christmas. Our anniversary is coming up so we thought we'd use this time to enjoy being away from the kids and treat it as our anniversary even though we had meetings and thing to go to. I made the mistake of calling Alexa on Thurs. night to say goodnight. Alexa can get really weird if she is left w/ people to watch her for awhile. So I wanted to make sure she was behaving and doing ok. As soon as Vanessa put Alexa on the phone and she said ,"hi." I started crying and had to give Anthony the phone. It's weird I knew I'd miss the girls and maybe even be sad to hear their voices. But I didn't think I would break down like I did. I know we need time alone and that I complain that I want time alone. But the truth is that I love them so much, just to be away from them makes my heart ache. I did get it together and said goodnight and decided not to call again.
Then Fri. morning came and it was time for our assessment. We had to sit in a room w/ 3 guys and 1 of the guys wives. I'm not good in those settings. I get very nervous being on the spot and them asking me questions. They were very nice but it's just intimidating so of course I cried 1/2 the time, but just from my nerves...weird I know. They gave us there opinion and they will be sending out a more detailed letter saying what we need or what they thought, etc. but basically they told us that they felt we were called to start a church, we needed to move very slow since Anthony doesn't really have help (or a mentor), plus Springfield isn't the city where you can just walk around and find Christians or growing churches that want to help (like Temecula). Like I said before it's one of the top 10 dying cities. But they are willing to help us mostly w/ a mentor (we think) and anything we may need. Please just keep us in your prayers that God may send people and save people. That we may serve Him and never get discouraged.
So we went back to Tn. Fri. night. It only took us like 7 hrs. this time. We rested for the rest of the day. Sat. we decided to go to Vanessa's mom's house. She wasn't home but she has a lot of land w/ a bunch of animals which I thought Alexa would enjoy. I think she got scared of the little pigs running around. She is usually all about animals and feeding them. So the kids just ran around the yard and played inside. Sat. night we went bowling and had a lot of fun. For the first time EVER I won a game of bowling. I scored 150 or so. I don't know how but I was happy. The kids had bumbers up on their side and seemed to enjoy it most of the time. Then we were daring again, so we out to eat. We went to a Chinese Buffet. I definitely didn't feel good afterward....lesson learned, no Chinese Buffet in Tn. Sun we went to Church and then headed home.
We enjoyed the entire trip except driving. I have to say Tn. is like a whole other world. The people are way more polite. I mean genuinely nice, "thank yous", "have a nice day." To bad their accents sound funny. It was really hard to leave them. As you can imagine we love seeing family but it's always so hard to say goodbye. We wish we had family out here, it seems like the only thing really missing but every thing is in the Lord's hands. So we shedded our tears and said our goodbyes and just pray we'll see them soon.....Love you guys and thanks for everything.

So I split the pictures into 3 slide shows. My friend Danielle was nice enough to let me borrow her REALLY nice camera and take it w/ us. So I took a lot of scenery pictures and played w/ the camera a lot just to see all the things it did. So one is just scenery pictures and the other 2 are all the fun. I played w/ the camera a lot so if the picture is blurry I wanted it that way...I know it sounds weird, but I'm really getting into photography so I wanted to adventure out of the norm, there's nothing extreme I'm not that good, but I enjoyed the camera and took lots of pictures. Thanks Danielle again for trusting me w/ your camera lots of love.....enjoy everyone.




Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Oh Charlie

I just thought I'd let everyone in on my past year w/ Charlie. As I've said before she is the climber of the house. For being a mellow baby she has given me plenty of heart attacks. She should officially not be able to play or get excited. So here goes, in one year Charlie has fallen and hit her mouth on the bathtub not by slipping in the bath but from running to the bath in excitement because she heard the water running. Busted open her top gums both times. Then while in a store she decided to push a tonka truck around the store, and the tail of it went down and she hit her face somehow and bit her tongue, it still looks like she got her tongue pierced at 1 yrs old. That freaked me out so much thank God my mom was up visiting otherwise I might of had a panic attack. Then a couple of weeks ago she was standing under our fire place and all of the sudden I hear her crying. I thought maybe Alex was just bugging her but when I picked her up I realized this wooden bunny that we had on the fire place fell on her. When I went to look at her, not knowing where she was hurt, I saw blood dripping from her face. I picked her up wiped her off then saw a bunch of blood on my arm and her head. She had 2 holes on top of her head pooring out blood. Luckily it stopped bleeding. And those are just the major accidents. She falls all the time, but never from climbing which is weird to me. Alexa was my wild child and still is. But she never got badly hurt . She broke me into knowing every illness there is. Now Charlie has introduced me to blood and pain. Who would of thought my quiet, mellow baby would get hurt so much and not from climbing. So if you can say a little prayer for her.....she worries me and I don't like to see my baby in so much pain. Sorry about the painful stories, and I left the pictures out, I figure no one would want to see that. I love you Charlie.