This morning I woke up to this beautiful scenery of snow covering everything. I thought it was the coolest thing. As soon as Alexa woke I showed her and all she could say,
"Can we go make snow cats?" What's a snow cat? I really don't know but when Charlie woke up she asked Charlie, "Do you want to make snow dogs?" What's w/ the animals. So I took pictures through our bedroom window, so that's why some are blurry. I was going to wait to take Alexa outside til Charlie took a nap, but as soon as I saw snow falling I put the girls jackets and boots on and went outside. Charlie seemed more cold than anything and couldn't really walk in the snow, because she kept getting balls of snow
on the bottom of her shoe and she couldn't balance. Alexa was just happy throwing snow at us and watching Ganghis run around. I tried to take a picture of the girls and the dog wanted to be
in the picture also. It was really cute. And all I wanted to do was take pictures of the snow falling but the snow was too light you can't really see it. I love the new things here, but I know in a couple months, I mean weeks I'll be tired of the snow, definitely
when after we get a blizzard or snow storm. But for now I'm loving the couple of inches of snow on the ground. It was pretty cool also we saw this big truck carrying (what Anthony says) salt and he was spraying it all over the streets. And the snow melted within minutes. So hope you enjoy and try not to get jealous J/K.

Yes she is crawling up the stairs.
The dog liked eating the snow.
Welcome to winter in Massachusetts
That is a lot of snow! How fun. I was just telling my husband I wonder if it will snow here again and how fun it would be. Now I too can only handle a little bit of it so don't know what I would do if had to deal with it all winter. People say you just get used to it.
Wow! How fun! These pictures are great pure fun. Wish I was there you know I love the cold and I think I can handle it a little longer than you and D. :)
I love the boots on charlie! and gengis was so cute being in the picture. Yay for snow!!! but like you said you will soon get sick of it! love you girl
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