As some may know my birthday was on
Thurs. I am now a young woman j/k. I'm definitely climbing that latter way to fast if
you ask me. It doesn't help that I'm married to a man that is a yr. and a half younger than me and keeps saying,

"You are now in your late 20's." anyway. I really just wanted a day w/ my family. Of course Anthony had to work during the day. But when he got off I had the bright idea to go walk around my favorite park so far in Ma. (Forest Park). We lasted about 20 min then realized that it was WAY too cold. And if you know me, you know I DON"T like being cold. So this ended up being the coldest birthday I've had so far, since the
temperature is now in the 30's. I think while we were there it may have even been in the 20's. The pictures are of my love ones because that's what I wanted on my birthday, not pictures of me.
But our camera seemed to be on strike too, the pics didn't come out very well.

Notice how windy it was too.

We saw ice on the top of the pound thinking it was this really thin layer. So Anthony went over to show Alexa and break it w/ a stick, but ended up breaking the stick because the pound had a thinker layer of ice than we thought, it was already starting to freeze.

Ducks in the only non frozen pound.

To end my birthday Anthony cooked me dinner my favorite pasta (raviolis to be exact). I definitely love having a husband that can cook and likes to on special days. plus doesn't care that I don't know how to cook. What else could I ask for. I have a wonderful husband and two beautiful healthy girls. Thank you God. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to ME!
Happy Birthday! My sisters bday was Thursday too and we went bowling and out to lunch.I guess cameras dont like the cold.
aww so are all grown up now lol...and its a blessing to have anthony! Im so happy for you all and who cares if you cant cook!!!!!! :)
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