Tuesday, November 25, 2008
When Mom is Busy....
Monday, November 24, 2008
Game Night w/ the Calisch's
So last night we got invited to our friend's (Danielle and Adam) house for a game night w/ her brothers and their friends. When Anthony got out of church we headed over there. We didn't know anyone else there but everyone was really nice. The night went really well and we all seemed to be having fun. It made me feel like I was back in Ca. w/ all our friends. As most people know Anthony and I love playing games. No we are not dorks but it's always fun to get friends and family together and have some fun. We even brought coffee there, which is almost a necessity when your up late but came to find out they didn't have a coffee maker, but Anthony figured something out, like I said it's almost a necessity. Anyway. It was nice just to get out of the house and hang out w/ other adults. Having an adult conversation seems necessary every once in awhile when you spend most of your days talking to a 3 and 1 yr. old. there's only so many animal noises you can make and questions you can answer. But time did fly by and we stayed later than I thought considering we had our kids w/ us. Speaking of late and children, Alexa decided that sleep just wasn't for her last night either. Our friend Danielle has a 3 yr old also ( named Issac) who Alexa loves to play w/. But Issac was smart and went to bed a little after his bedtime. And after Issac went to bed I thought I'd put a movie on for her and hopefully she would fall asleep or get tired enough to go to bed. But she had different in tension. She only watch 1/2 the movie and then got a second wind. She said she still wanted to play. I think she really just wanted to be a part of what we were doing. So I attempted to put her to bed and she got out of bed 3 times w/ some excuse. Let me tell you by this time it was almost 11pm. and if you know Alexa then you know she was up WAY past her bedtime and WAY tired, which won't keep her from waking up at 6:30am the next day either. So then we decided knowing the lack of sleep she was going to get and after playing games, eating their food and letting my kid run around for 5 hrs. it was time to leave. Let me tell you Alexa did wake up at 6:30am but she took a 3 hr. nap, to catch up on that sleep. I guess that is all part of being a parent sacrificing your time. It is also why we don't get very many nights out w/ the friends. I'm always putting my kids needs before my own that is part of being a mom. And sometimes we all have to sacrifice our time. Alexa was very good girl, otherwise we wouldn't have been able to stay that long. So thank you Alexa for letting us stay out that late. And thank you Danielle and Adam for welcoming us into your house and making it feel like the good old days in Ca.
We are making Christian friends and really starting to love it here and feeling like it's home. I've now become that person that refers to where they grew as " back home" I wish it was warmer, I'm not going to lie, but I do the love the seasons or as Alexa would say " the naked trees (because they don't have leaves on them)" I'm just happy to be doing God's will for us and meeting new people and finally really making good friends.
Danielle posted pictures on her blog so if you're interested go to 'my friends' she's the Calisch family. Lots of love and God bless you all.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Hungry baby

Alexa was never a climber, so I guess this is my warning to feed her sooner and to be aware that she likes to climb

Another Year...

But our camera seemed to be on strike too, the pics didn't come out very well.
We saw ice on the top of the pound thinking it was this really thin layer. So Anthony went over to show Alexa and break it w/ a stick, but ended up breaking the stick because the pound had a thinker layer of ice than we thought, it was already starting to freeze.
Ducks in the only non frozen pound.
To end my birthday Anthony cooked me dinner my favorite pasta (raviolis to be exact). I definitely love having a husband that can cook and likes to on special days. plus doesn't care that I don't know how to cook. What else could I ask for. I have a wonderful husband and two beautiful healthy girls. Thank you God. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to ME!
Not Just a Candle
So what you do is pick a white candle then stand in front of the color table. Then you dip your candle in one of the color wax and then in cold water and there you have it.
So here's the color table and all the kids.
( on the left) The colored wax: red, pink, purple, blue, yellow or mix the colors to make your own color. ( on the right) is the cold water.
Alexa picked a two-sided candle w/ a lady bug and a flower.
She got her finger too when she was dipping the lady bug in the red.
The Kids playing:
Issac and Alex having a good time.
Charlie and Addison having their own fun in the stroller.
She must have said something funny....j/k.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Tribute to Charlie...
So this is how we spent Charlie's birthday. We went to the doctors for a 1 yr. check up and shots. Then went to the store for her birthday cake and make her birthday cards. Then went home. As soon as she saw the cake she started staking like she had never seen food before. We didn't even have time to take a before picture because she was so excited. So we sat in her chair and set the cake in front of her. Before we were done w/ the song she had already dug in. She dipped her finger in it tasted it then put her hole hand in it. And was very excited.
Full fisting.
Alexa enjoying too.
Trying to share w/ mommy.
And happiest baby when she was done.
Counting Down

A friend
A builder....
Or just hungry
Nosey...like her mommy and sister
A strong reader....
Or just a thinker
A cuddler
Monday, November 10, 2008
Charlie's One

Boom a Ring
fighting. Anytime anyone would run, jump, spin, etc. Alexa would scream " FASTER!!!" and when asked what's your favorite part, she said, "when the baby elephant sat on the papa elephant" Even though the elephants were the same size she still seemed to think that it had to be the baby sitting on the daddy. After the Circus of course we were all starving since we didn't want to spend $20 on a hot dog. So we went to Pizza Hut and enjoyed each others company. We had some good laughs and it was nice to finally get both of our families together.
Issac's fac most of the time.
The jump ropers were cool. They were doing flips while jump roping.