My friend Mandy went on the computer and found this website that takes you and your spouses pictures and determins what your future baby will look like. I thiught it was so weird and made me curious if it would come out like Charlie or Alexa. So I had to share this w/ everyone just to prove the site wrong and to prove that not all babies are cute and because it amde me laugh sooo hard and Anthony scared.
What do you think about my little new baby ffsfgdgh? - What will your baby look like?
this proves God does better work then a computer, and gives us another reason to give Him thanks for all he does. Aren't you glad all is in the Lord's hands to take care of!!!!!! Tell Anthony keep the faith and don't worry!!!!
I could not stop laughing at my "babies" and now yours!! I love that Anthony was scared. FORTUNATELY your real life babies are a million times cuter!
That is hilarious I tried but it was yet another thing i couldn't figure out how to do. i think it is a myspace thing. Anyway I enjoyed seeing yours and yes your babies are waaaaay cuter especially Todd's #2.
haha that is sooo funny! well its official im a blogger!
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