We had Alexa's birthday party yesterday. I think she had fun over all. She seemed to be over whelmed by all the kids and gifts and everything going on. She was stuck to my leg for awhile then realized she wanted to play. There weren't to many pictures to take of her, since she was in this weird mood. She had fun shopping for all the stuff and picking out her first pinata the day before but when it came to hitting it she was scared to. She took one swing and then refused to hit Tinker Bell. But she sure loved the lollipops when they fell. We did a water balloon toss and she loved throwing them at the older boys from youth group. It was really cute when we were signing happy birthday to her she was all bashful when we said Alex. Opening gifts there was no hesitation. I think the kids were just as excited to watch her open their gifts as she was to open them. At the end of the day we did have to deal w/ a sugar high but it was worth it to watch her have a great day and fun w/ her friends. I still can't believe my baby is three. It doesn't seem like it was that long ago and soon I'll have a one yr. old too.
The last thing I wanted to share was a thing called Webkinz. To all who have kids. Alexa now has 2 of these animals from kids at church who got them for her.Ok it's pretty much a stuffed animal you can buy at a Christian stores. That has a tag on it for the computer. You log in and put your animal on the computer and take care of it. Alexa doesn't really get it and we don't really like her on the computer but she likes the animals. It's fun for older kids you can play games and learn how to take care of an animal w/ out having to buy a real animal. Just wanted to share that w/ everyone who might have kids.

Alexa and her new bike. She can't ride really well yet but she's super stoked just to sit on it.
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