No, I'm not pregnant nor having a baby. But my baby is 9months....3/4 of a year. How can this be. With each child, the saying 'the days are long, but the years go fast' seem to be truer & truer. Even though Malachi is a little peanut & has been tiny for so long, I feel he's growing like a weed now. I'm not ready for him to crawl, eat real food (not baby), teeth, etc although I will say I'm glad not to have an infant, nursing & up every couple hrs to feed, aaaand enjoying getting my body back to "normal" (whatever that is after 4 kids ;))
Well things are no different w/ this lil guy, I could take pics of him allllll day. He makes the most facial expressions, & is so laid back that it makes it easy to take pics too. Love it. So here you go. My lil 9 month old enjoying the beautiful sunshine.
Note:weight & height will be added after dr appt on mon

My fav.

I <3 him so much

Have a blessed.