Yep, it happened my lil' boy is now TWO!!! Where does the time go, seriously. I know I say this on each kids' birthday but really, where does the time go....... I feel he went from this crawling, not wanting to walk 12 month old to a crazy, sweet, hard headed, 2 yr old in like a wk.
I know there was some blur between when he was 16 months to 20 months thanks to end of pregnancy, c-section, & caring for lil' Malachi. Anyway.
I honestly love this kid even when he's in time out screaming on the top of his lungs. Or running & rolling off the couch. There's something about his care-free, way too silly lil' personality that makes it hard to punish him & take him serious.
I love how smart he is. And it's crazy to think that my 2 yr old can use a computer, I barely can.
I look forward to watching him grow. I hope he never looses his silliness & love for music.

Happy Birthday my sweet boy. I love you So much.