Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The big 1

My sweet crazy boy turned 1 on Thursday. Really? I? Already? WOW!!!

Here's some of my sweetness being a himself (a boy)
Photobucket Photobucket

On Sunday (Mother's day) I gave Zeke his birthday cake. I I didn't really wanna do anything crazy for his birthday & my mom, bro & fam were coming over on mother's day, I thought that would be a great day to give him a cake & everyone be able to watch.

He started off slow

Then dug right in.
Photobucket Photobucket IMG_6484a

And I guess even that was too slow of a process....
Photobucket Photobucket
.....aaaaand done! I think he liked it, just a little.
When we took him from his cake he cried so hard & loud, poor little.

My name is Ezekiel Anthony Wirth
I'm 29 inches & 21 lbs
I still have blueish grey eyes 
I can't walk yet & don't care to try, 
but I'm so cute my mommy will carry me.
I wake up smiling every morning 
And continue threw out the day
I love to play & get into everything that's not a toy
I laugh the most when I pull my sisters' hair
I love to play fetch by myself
(throwing the ball, chasing, & throwing again)
I could eat all day if my mommy would let me 
And I drool like a Saint Bernard 
I can sign food, more, milk 
and wave hi & bye
but I'm too stubborn to do them when asked
I can do peek-a-boo, patty cake & high five.  
I'm 100% boy
I love to eat sticks & dirt 
And chase my sisters around
I still eat w/ my hands & throw any & everything
I repeat growling noises or anything weird my sisters do.
Overall I'm a pretty good & way too cute baby.