So everyday since Zeke was born Alexa has been asking "how old is Zeke today?" and "how many days until he's 1?" Some days she does tell me how old he is, but still ask when he'll be 1. She has been helping me feel like he's growing too fast even more than I already do. We are literally counting down until his 1st birthday. So yes he's a month old now & growing like a weed 10lbs 8 oz 22 inches. Sleeps pretty well a few hrs @ a time. Needs to nurse the min he wakes. Also is holding his head up for short periods @ a time........My boy is growing :)
The girls are still overwelmingly in love w/ their lil' brother. They still ask every day to hold him, @ bedtime they have to say goodnight to him (even if he's already sleeping) & give him hundreds of kisses. So here's what we've seen the last month
Day of birth
First wk
1 week