I personally have had an issue of trying to find time for things that have importance (like reading my Bible) or things that I really wanna do daily (working out or reading w/ Alexa). I also will be the first to admit that scheduling or doing the same thing daily is a struggle of mine. I may be a laid back go, w/ the flow person but it's a negative when it comes to getting things done. My thought usually is 'eh it can be done tomorrow' or 'I just don't have time' but w/ homeschooling right around the corner & having a baby in the house I figured I should start some kind of schedule so the girls don't get behind or struggle w/ school.
Anthony has always used this phrase (since we've been Christians) 'If you haven't spent time w/ God today, then the most insignificant thing you did today, you put before God' OUCH. But the reality is that He should be part of our WHOLE day & I make excuses that I don't have 10 min to read, pray or anything else for Him....WRONG. I always think if I don't wake up & read the word or start my day w/ Him then I haven't got the time. And lets face it, me waking up earlier then the girls (def w/ feedings in the night) is pretty much asking for a grouchy mommy all day & a plan that has failed plenty of times. I even tried at times to read @ nap time. But I would either fall asleep or make the excuse that I need to shower @ this time or have lunch w/ the hubby (after kids fall sleep for naps). I always found an excuse.
The other day I got a reality check. Which is nothing new for me. God never gives up, He never backs down or fails to surprise me. I was sitting on the couch feeding Z, & thinking how bored I am, just sitting & feeding. So I got up (when it was time to burp him), got a Bible, went up to Z room (that's where my fav rocking chair is), sat down, continued to feed Z & read the Bible (@ the same time).
Since then I have realized my excuses are NOT ok. No matter how busy my day is or how much I want to get done @ home (cleaning, playing w/ kids, laundry etc) I HAVE to make time for God. It doesn't need to be 1st thing in the morning or when everyone else does their time w/ God. So I thought I'd share a glimpse of our (usual) day just in case anyone felt they didn't have time or needed an idea or whatever.
7am: girls wake. Lay on the couch make coffee & start to wake up
7:50am: make girls breakfast & they eat prob til 8:30-9 (SLOW eaters)
8am: wake Z (if He's not already cooing away for me in his bed), feed, & change him .
8:30: (or when girls are done w/ breakfast) they can play/hold Z
9:30: Z lays back down. I will get some cleaning or house work started (usually not finished unless it's small work like dishes :D ). When school starts this is when we will sit down & start school (9:30-12. Charlie will have alone play in this period & Alexa may have more school after Char goes down for a nap)
10:30: work out while girls play, do school, play date or errand time.
Side note: If we do have a play date or things to do outside of the house instead of girls having Z time this is when they would get ready & I would shower (& bring Z in the ba. w/ me).
11:45: (if home) make lunch
12pm: lunch ( if not home they eat @ play date or in car during errands)
12:30: Z wakes & feed him. Usually will start reading the Bible @ this time (if girls are quietly eating down stairs. )
1pm: girls go down for nap (Alexa more like rest/quiet time), my play time w/ Z & do lunch (some times w/ Hubby).
2pm: Z lays back down. If hubby is home we hang out for a lil. Then get nap or shower in (if I didn't earlier)
3-4pm: the girls will wake. Then hang out for majority of the day. Them playing together or all of us playing games.
5ish: feed Z, then start dinner
6pm: dinner
7pm: Z goes back down & hang out more w/ girls
8pm: bedtime for girls & quiet time for the hubby & I :D
As much as I'm not a fan of scheduling I am happy that I'm fitting in time w/ God & working out. I feel this will help the girls stay scheduled enough for school but open enough that I don't feel we have to do the same thing daily. I will add when school starts our schedule may change some what just cause we have co op class to go to on Tues & CBS on wed, but they fall in the "school" time. The getting ready (& making time for driving) will prob b the only changes.
I will also add the importance of not just you but your children having time w/ God. If they aren't seeing mommy & daddy having time w/ Him what would make them want to. The girls know Anthony does his study (reading & journaling) in the morning. But not til I started reading @ lunch time do I think they really noticed me reading or making time to be w/ God. We do pray w/ the girls every morning (& letting them pray for someone themselves), & then @ dinner & bedtime.
So if you are feeling the way I was, that there's just not enough time. Then maybe you need to recheck your schedule. What are you putting before God. For me it was myself. I wasn't realizing there was time during other things (like feeding the baby) when I could be reading. Or after the kids go to bed & still having time w/ hubby. I also have missed some church services due to helping out in nursery classes. I have also found time, during workout to listen to the msg on the computer. So I'm not left out of what the congregation is learning or discussions they may have, plus it's one more time during the day that I can (@least) hear & learn about God.
There is time. Please take time out of your day to hear & read the word. Have time w/ HIm. Let your children see the importance of Him. He IS the most important thing in your life (or at least He should be)
Hope this may be able to help someone. Sorry if confusing or not any help.......it works for our crazy lives :0)
God bless