The week of Christmas we (once again) were pretty full, but it was all Christmas stuff which was great & was w/ friends which makes it fun.
Monday: Gospel Community Christmas
So like I told you last week we made cookies for tonight. We decided @ Gospel Community that we were going to stand in front of Tower Square in Downtown to sing some carols & hand out cookies to people walking by. People around here can be nervous about taking things from strangers, so we had Alexa & Charlie hand them out. Who wouldn't take cookies from a kid. It was really cute watching them do it, definitely Charlie cause the people couldn't understand her when she would give them the cookies & say, "Merry Christmas" so Alexa would always tell them what she said.
After caroling we did go back to the coffee house (below our house) & do a Christmas party & a white elephant game. It was quite fun & nice just hanging w/ our Gospel Community.
Tuesday: Family & friends night out
Our family plus my mom, her friend Sue & grandson, Xavier went to Graziano Garden. Which is a nursery that fully decorates their building for Christmas w/ nicknacks & Christmas stuff. One full room was a bunch of the lil' cities. Really pretty.
Alexa in love w/ the Disney/Princess city.
Anthony not excited about me "having" to take pics
Charlie, Xavier & Alexa closely looking @ the cities.
I thought this tree was cute, so of course I had to take pics in front of it.
My mom, Xavier, Charlie, Alexa & Sue
Yeah I got a smile & no weird faces.
Anthony found boxing gloves & of course had to play w/ them.
After this we all squeezed in our van & went to Bright Nights
(the light show in Forest park)
Also Tuesday morning we went as a family & saw our 1st ultrasound of baby #3.
It's official we are having a.......... baby, hehe
We honestly didn't look & it's not on any of the dr. forms so we won't find out either, sorry everybody. It was nice taking the girls & letting them see. Although Charlie got bored fast & Alexa was staring but I'm sure she had no idea except when the nurse told us.
Friday (Christmas Eve): The Calisch's
Danielle invited us over in the morning to let the kids bake cookies & decorate them. It was lots of fun & the cookies were yuuuummmy.
Isaac putting his cookies on the sheet
Danielle displaying the 1st round of cookies.
Decorating time. Big kids 1st
Smaller ones 2nd
The kids were having fun playing so Danielle & decided to do some.
Saturday: Christmas
Me being a dork
Anthony also joining in the dorkiness.
Alexa wanted to be right there when Mama opened her gift
Alexa opened her socks & said, 'hey why is Tinker mad" I thought the look on Alexa's face was priceless after that comment.
The girls being silly. And pretending they were exhausted after opening their gifts.

I know on my last post I said we didn't have any traditions this yr, but I had forgotten about this. This is one of Anthony's childhood traditions he shared w/ the girls. I guess when they were small for Thanksgiving the would have cornish hens instead of turkey & that way there was more wishbones & all the kids could play. But they would save the wishbones from Thanksgiving until Christmas & have a war that day.
This yr we did save our wishbone from Thanksgiving for Christmas day. Anthony wanted it to look like a wishbone (boxing) match. It was fun, the girls didn't really understand 'make a wish' then pull but they still pulled and......
Charlie won.
Side note: You may also notice that Alexa wanted to wear her Christmas dress as soon as she was done w/ gifts all day even if we weren't going anywhere. And Charlie was happy wearing her pjs so we just let them be how they wanted, totally opposite.
Before bed they wanted to show off their new robe & pjs they got from Grandma & Papa
(Anthony's parents in Ca.)
And just be cute
Monday: Snow
The day after Christmas we got a bunch of snow, which was great because I love the snow, but also disappointing cause we haven't had more than a couple flurries before Christmas.
So all day Sunday the girls wanted to go play in the snow, but I made them wait til Monday when snow had stopped coming down.
We just went into our backyard aka the high school field & ran around. The girls had a snow ball fight, (which Alexa was happy that Charlie was big enough to play w/ her this yr & actually wanted to play in the snow w/ her) snow angels, & a slide.
Charlie threatening to throw it @ me, then decided to try & eat it. weird kid.